
I love my city, Washington, DC. After growing up overseas (in Russia and Kazakhstan before heading to boarding school in Germany for high school) and then attending college in Grand Rapids, Michigan, I moved to DC to intern at the largest non-profit fighting modern-day slavery. 9 years later, I am still in the city I love.

I met my wife here. On June 4, 2016, my wife and I received the very unexpected news that we were going to have a baby. After living in DC for 10 years, married for 5, we knew our life would forever change. What will not change is our love for the city of DC and our passion to chase after adventure. That’s why I created DC Urban Dad, a place to explore DC while raising a daughter.

We live on Capitol Hill in DC with two roommates (Keith and Laura) and love exploring our city, eating at its restaurants, and going on adventures.

Let the wild adventure begin!